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Short Tips From Our Council Doctors

Starting doses matter, especially for cannabis newcomers!

Dr. Leah recommends beginning with a THC dose ranging from 0.5 to 2 milligrams. It might seem low, but trust us, it's all you need to start feeling the benefits of THC.

When it comes to cannabis, finding the right balance is key to maximizing its potential benefits.


Dr. Leah Johnson from Physicians Cannabinoid Council sheds light on why chasing higher THC percentages might not always be the best path.

Ever wondered about the different forms of cannabis available on the market?


Each form offers unique benefits and experiences. And there's a cannabis formulation suited just for you.

Dr. Philip Blair of Blair Medical Group introduces us to a new hemp-based alternative!

A chemical called beta-caryophyllene is now used in cannabinoids, an alternative that reaps the same benefits of CBD.

Homeostasis is the state of the human body when its internal and physical conditions are in their most optimal state of function.

Did you know that plant-based substances can help bring your body back to this perfect balance?

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